Built by experienced security leaders across military, finance, and managed security, CSOM has been designed to provide established or aspiring security managers with the knowledge they need to develop a high-performing security operations team.
Covers the following 4 domains:
Training And Exam Price
Because of the nature of this certification, we only permit certain students to become fully certified, however anyone can take the training course. Only candidates with 2 years of security operations or related experience will be permitted to take the exams.
CSOM is aimed at security professionals with 2+ years experience in security operations or a similar discipline. Roles that we believe would benefit from this course include:
CSOM is designed to forge technical managers that already have experience and exposure to security operations. CSOM will develop you in both management principles and technical skills. Below are some examples of the skills and experience you will gain.
4CERT, ATT&CK Navigator, Autopsy, Canarytokens, Confluence, CTI-MAS, Deploy-Deception, DeTTECT, HMM, MISP, MITRE ATT&CK, MITRE D3FEND, MITRE Engage, OpenVAS, RE&CT, RE&CT Navigator, SOC-CMM, Sigconverter, Sigma, TheHive5, Uncoder, Velociraptor, Wazuh
Below is a list of the CSOM in-browser labs available as part of the training course:
Students will undertake two exam elements, one practical and one theoretical. The marks from both elements are used to determine the final grade, which must be 70/100 or higher to pass and become certified.
If a student’s combined grade does not meet the 70% passing criteria, they are able to retake one, or both exam elements for free.
Students will take part in a short hands-on incident response engagement, using threat intelligence context and existing scenario details to perform analysis and capture key information about the attacker’s actions.
Students will complete a business case study, conducting research, performing threat modelling, and completing other tasks to populate a short report template.
We believe feedback is crucial to developing your skills, rather than just passing the certification. We provide feedback to all students regardless of whether they pass or fail each exam element, so you can understand your weak areas, and become a stronger security professional.
Once a student passes both exam elements and becomes CSOM certified, they will receive several rewards for their hard work: