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Windows Logging: A Guide to Enhanced Visibility
Aditya Rai 25/07/2024

Windows Logging: A Guide to Enhanced Visibility

Knowing what log data to collect and where to collect it from is key to gaining a comprehensive view of your environment and, in turn, enhancing security. Let's examine further.

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Windows Logging: A Guide to Enhanced Visibility
Aditya Rai 25/07/2024

Windows Logging: A Guide to Enhanced Visibility

Knowing what log data to collect and where to collect it from is key to gaining a comprehensive view of your environment and, in turn, enhancing security. Let's examine further.

Harness the Power of Scripting: Why PowerShell is a MUST in Cybersecurity!
Malik Girondin 17/07/2024

Harness the Power of Scripting: Why PowerShell is a MUST in Cybersecurity!

In this article, we will explore the thought of utilizing PowerShell in cybersecurity. Is it a MUST or a bust? Before you jump to a conclusion, please, read the information provided in this blog. Then, truly, you can determine if this is for you or not. Let’s dive right into...

Splunk-tacular: Your Guide to Easy Log Analysis
Joshua Beaman 27/06/2024

Splunk-tacular: Your Guide to Easy Log Analysis

Are you seeking resources to understand and make the best use of Splunk? Well, you are at the right place. This blog aims to guide you through the essentials of Splunk, including the practical use of Search Processing Language (SPL queries).